What is intensive poultry production?

Any poultry unit above 40,000 birds is classed as intensive and has specific rules and regulations that must be adhered to.

Will this impact our local environment?

YES! In so many ways ... pollution, increased traffic, smell, noise, light. As a 'small unit' the application will not be subject to an Environmental Impact Assessment, but it will still impact the environment.

What is an Environmental Impact Statement?

Normally, an EIA would contain a noise assessment, odour impact assessment, landscape and visual assessment, historical impact, environmental statement, arboricultural impact statement, traffic, cumulative effects and a manure plan.

So this isn't an IPU?

As it is 38,000 rather than 40,000 birds, at this stage no. For certain, it is not free range & as it can be extended & not require full planning permission it will be.

I have heard that the chickens will go to be free range. How does this work if they have been intensively reared?

They can't but still investigating this one!

Why is this IPU a problem?

When an IPU of below 40,000 birds is installed, it can be extended and will not have to be subjected to the same scrutiny as a unit above 40,000 birds. However, the end result is that it can be extended.

How many chickens will be reared here?

There will be 38,000 chickens 3 times per year = 114,000

How do we object to this proposal?

Full information and instruction are included on the How to Object page